Monday, July 9, 2012

To Avoid Dan's Rambling, Scroll To The End

Dan's Monday Blog Disclaimer: This is a blog and not a professionally written article, just my ramblings, so remember that when you're scratching your head thinking “What the heck is Dan talking about?”. I'm trying to explain the way websites should be written and pages ordered and linked together.

The internet brings most visitors to your site via 2 methods, search results and direct links (typing in your web address).

We all know how to “google” something we are searching for information on, this is called a search. Search results are a list of links to pages on many different websites all put in order by what best fits what you typed in the box, but where how does the search engine find all these and know which are most relevant? I couldn't begin to tell you how they determine what's most relevant (I know some of it but it doesn't really make sense), but I can tell you how they find the pages! Search engines have “spiders” (don't reach for the Raid, these are good spiders) that “crawl” all the pages of your website and read it, that's right, they read the actual words, so using pictures with words really hurt your website from coming up in search results. After they have crawled your site, which takes place anywhere from once a month to every 4 to 6 months (depending on how often you make changes), the pages and text are indexed, resulting in all the websites in the world being read and indexed. When you type in “Dan Hansen, Wichita”, the search engine looks for these 3 words occurring on the same page and puts a higher rank when they are used together. The search engines of the 21st century also take into account things like where you are and give you results accordingly (you wouldn't want to see results for Miami if you are in Seattle searching for “hot tubs”. Back to where I was going, the search results link to a specific page on your website, so the results most likely aren't linking to your “home page” but to other pages that contain the actual information, thus bypassing your home page. This is the major reason that you should optimize all of the pages of your website and make sure that if someone “lands” on a page that isn't the home page, that they still know where they are (your company), what they can do (contact you, order an item, or request information) and direct visitors to other relevant pages on your website.

Now for the 2nd method, direct links (don't worry this part is shorter). When you direct people to your website, either through putting your web address on your business card and brochures or by those expensive TV ads you run with your web address at the bottom, you are sending them to a particular page, usually your home page (I'm not going to get into landing pages). So, let's say you have 10 products for doing 20 different things and you have a page on your website for all 10 items and all 20 applications. When people land on your home page and they know you make products that seal plastic bags, they are probably going to be looking for links that say “plastic bag sealing” if you have that link then awesome, they will click on that and read about bag sealing, but here's where some people make mistakes, from this page you should have a link to the 2 pages of machines that you have that seal bags. Some sites just have a page links to what their products do and a page that list all of the product, so you have to guess at which machines do what applications, because they know that search engines are bringing traffic to the pages but don't take into account the connections to other parts of the website.

In a nutshell I'm emphasizing the need to optimize all pages of your website as well as have a logical flow and connection of the pages within the site.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Google Plus Local

Google Plus may not have many (in comparison to Facebook) users, but it's importance to business is increasing with the migration of Google Places in to the ever expanding G+ world. This move is driving more traffic to the ghost town of a social media site and creating a need for your business to join up with G+ as the new Google+ Local pages will be indexed by Google search.

As of today, if your business already has a G+ page it will remain separate from the G+ Local page for a little while, as word on the street is that Google is going to match up and merge the 2 in the near future. Until then, you might want to go update your new Google+ Local Page with your website and verify you are the owner and the location is correct so that the match up works for you.

Here's a link to setting up your Google Plus Local Page:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Google Plus Local? What's the point?

Well, Google has done it again, rolled out a major change without notice and very little info regarding the change. This morning they migrated all 80,000,000 Google Places listing into Google Plus creating a "Local" section to the barely breathing social media site.

I'm assuming this move is one they believe will revive G+ from almost certain cyber-death after it's months of hype but little actually activity on the site. My biggest question today is will current Google Plus business pages be automatically merged with their corresponding "Local" page or will it have to be done manually and if so how?

I think one of the downfalls to Google Plus and other changes Google has made recently (new dashboard here on Blogger and personalized searches) is that there is really no instruction to how to use them or why the change will really make things better. They like to pretend like they give us that information, usually in a video blog that is just a vague commercial for the change and has little to do with the actual changes.

I'm sure the Google big boys are watching the Facebook stock decline and thinking this is where G+ will make it's great emergence, but I'm doubting that they will ever really get that foothold no matter how much of their kingdom they integrate into Google Plus.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Internet Idea Girl: Google Plus Turned Upside Down

Internet Idea Girl: Google Plus Turned Upside Down: Google Plus Turned Upside Down Well I started today at work by actually getting on Google Plus and doing some posts for clients. I did...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Internet Idea Girl: Like, Follow, Plus, Share – Phase 3

Internet Idea Girl: Like, Follow, Plus, Share – Phase 3: You better sit down for this one, there's a lot to go over with this phase. When I started the Like, Follow, Share campaign there were just ...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Internet Idea Girl: The End of the "home page"!

Internet Idea Girl: The End of the "home page"!: Recently I worked on optimizing a clients website, which went pretty smoothly after 1 small change on every page. That change was simply rem...