Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Marketing Communication

There are some that may say that I’m not the best communicator in the world, but I have picked up some things over the years from working in the marketing realm. Sometimes the person or people that we are working with are not in the same office or even the same state as we are which makes written (e-mail) communication very important. I’ve decided to share some of those things with the world. They are not all going to be discussed here and now, but over time, watch for me to post some important and fun tips.

Today’s tip is about changing copy on a website, newsletter, sign, or in an ad. Generally, in my experience, my boss has given me basic copy and simple directions how the end item show look and fell. I would then create a draft, usually with images, and then send the e-mail back for changes. When returned to me with corrections (this is when the communication technique comes in), the words that needed to be changed would be put into quotes, such as ‘Please change “gaint” to “giant” on the first line.’. This made it clear what word needed to be changed on the first line. If it would have said ‘Please change gaint to giant on the first page’ then it wouldn’t be clear what needed to be changed, especially if it was a phrase versus a single word.

Using quote for copy changes really makes it much faster to get changes made. I hope you remember this next time you e-mail someone with changes. Have a great day and make things happen!

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